Sunday, 8 November 2009

WINOL week 1

Already in the knowledge I was not able to attend Monday's team meeting, I emailed ahead. However, due to lack of communication between the features team, the features editor was not informed and I was confronted as to why I was not there. Not a good start. But, as I am organised, I had my ideas ready to pitch and emailed them through slightly peeved that I was being accused of skiving off! The feedback came through and I was given the go ahead to get writing.

I spent the majority of Tuesday trying to get through to the the people I needed to speak to, but with no luck. So I had to switch the angles of my stories. I was given till 6pm Wednesday to get my two stories done, which seemed like a mighty long time, but when it came to it I was lucky I had that long. I uploaded them to the site Wednesday and thought all was well. Untill I checked my email in the evening and was told that we were all meant to be in on the Wednesday. Not an issue, just a case of misinformation. Apart from the lack of communication, which I believe has now been resolved as people have set up a facebook group etc etc, I think my stories went okay, although not totally thrilling to read, but that is Health and Wellbeing for you....very dry!

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