Thursday, 22 October 2009

Question Time 22/10/2009....My Thoughts.

I am firstly going to say that I am not an avid viewer of Question Time. But, with the media this week surrounding the event, that is Nick Griffin appearing on the show, I decided to take a look.

I must say I found the whole experience very, very uncomfortable. I know that many people are against the BNP, but he was invited on to the show for a reason. So, LET HIM SPEAK. Why on earth invite this man to speak, if you do not want to listen. It felt more like a stoning then an interview session. The audience threw comments at him, very mature comments I must add, (sarcastically) such as "Dick Griffin". I would like to know how these people go to be in the audience, and if there is not a screening process then that is ridiculous. I tuned in, wanting to see an interview but was instead confronted with a free-for-all of low rate people with low rate opinions mouthing off! The majority of questions asked were about immigrant policies, which, fair enough is a huge factor, BUT, I wanted to hear more from him. I wanted to know what makes the man tick! Toward the end of the show the presenter stated he had not wanted the whole show to be about the BNP, and it was expected but I really do despise the way the audience were let to just ask similar questions again and again. It was more of a personal attack on the man then a serious interview and I found the whole thing a let down. He got two seats in Europe, so clearly he is doing something to please some people out there but we will never know what if, when he does eventually go on interview shows he is ridiculed and not given a chance to speak.

1 comment:

  1. alexa rank 15 - please update with your notes after each lecture and after each edition of WINOL including dummy editions. I am reading blogs at moment but not generally leaving comments due to pressure of time.
