Thursday, 22 October 2009

Psychobabble, Sex and a lot of Penis!

Today's lecture was, to say the least, enlightening. I think I found most interesting learning about the"reptile" part of the brain. The "hippocamus", is the part of the brain that lights up, so to speak, when the brain encounters images of rage, blood, sex and even the colour red! It is referred to as the reptile part of the brain because reptiles have a constant need to be territorial and fight for survival, hence their complicated traits such as a chameleon changing the colour of it's skin to blend in with it's background. This leads me on to the Odepus complex. Freud claimed that boys have the urge to kill their father's and sleep with their mothers (he tried to understand the brain using literature). Apparently it is a territorial thing. Quite hard to imagine happenening in modern times but it is true that males become very territorial when it comes to females, they feel the urge to be the dominant gender and feel demascunilised when the authority is taken away from them. Typical blokes!
I find the idea that women suffer from penis envy, that is that women are just males without a penis and therefore are lacking in the most important part, very frustrating. Although women have come very far in terms of being able to work and vote etc, this theory being reiterated throughout classrooms all over the world enrages me because it reinforces the idea that women have been seen as the lesser important gender, this should have never been mentioned at all! Men! This view I think I have gained from studying sociology. I envy Simone de Beauvoir, and her views on males. No, I am not a crazy feminist, however I do believe that men chat a load of bollocks a lot of the time. In her book, "The Second Sex", she aruges that men have MADE women the 'other' sex. They have put a false aura of mystery around females and use this to avoid understanding them or their problems. This theory can be related to race, religion and class but is more obvious in terms of gender. She aruges that men have made women feel a "deviation of the normal" and that males feel women are only pretend men, trying to "emulate normality", she felt that this assumption must be set aside for the stereotype to be forgotten.

Freud's theories still have major influence today though which proves they are viewed as strong. Advertiser's use the Freudian idea that showing people a sexual image will excite them and make them buy something, such as the Cadbury's Flake advert shown in the lecture, she is biting into a Flake and Chris said it was referring her to biting a penis. It takes me back to my sociology lecture's again where we were taught that women are shown products in magazines on models, and they are shown in sexually provocative ways sometimes with males, which makes us as an audience think that if we go out and buy them we will get everything we see in the advert. The Century of the Self, the century of self-preoccupation, a century of repressed and frustrated love..Freudian Love do ring true, however I do NOT agree with his views on women, it seems he just hates women! Arsehole!

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